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LW Scientific Portable Centrifuge Car Seat (SEAT ONLY)

L W Scientific
For on the go Phlebotomy. Secure your centrifuge for transport.
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For on the go Phlebotomy. Secure your centrifuge.

This light-weight and durable car seat (SEAT ONLY - centrifuge in picture sold separately) is a secure and convenient way of transporting your centrifuge. If you are a portable phlebotomist we highly recommend this additional accessory for your centrifuge. Without this when you make turns in your car your centrifuge can wobble and fall over....Not Good.

If your spinning tube in your car with a 12volt adapter this is a must.

This centrifuge foam car seat fits the below centrifuges we sell but is specifically made for the E8C-08AV-1503.

#E8C-U8AF1503 LW Scientific E8 Fixed Centrifuge


#E8C-U8AV1503 LW Scientific E8 Variable Centrifuge


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