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Rota-Rack Test Tube Rack

Model: 29040A
Heathrow Scientific
Rotating and Portable 4-way Test Tube Rack 
  • Model
  • 29040A


Rotating 4-way Test Tube Rack

This is the perfect portable rack for the traveling phlebotomist or even the technician that wants a small table top rack that holds every size tube all at once. Like a rubix cube just spin the color to the size you want for each color. Set it near the draw site and all your tubes can go into ine portable rack cleanly and efficiently.
Rotate each of the four modules independently. Use several sizes of test tubes, culture tubes, centrifuge tubes, or microcentrifuge tubes at the same time. Click each module into place, load with tubes, and carry. Rack maintains its orientation until you twist it again. Comes fully assembled. Autoclavable.

Each module of the Rota-Rack for large tubes holds two 50 mL tubes, eight 15 mL tubes, six 20 mm tubes, or ten 10-13 mm tubes. That means it holds tube sizes as big as 50ml centrifuge tubes, 15ml urine centrifuge tubes, all your blood tubes small and big and even the smallest 10mm veterinary size tubes.