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Ten Commandments of Phlebotomy

Model: AP8000
A laminated 16" x 20" poster graphically depicting 10 proposed “Commandments of Phlebotomy” in full-color art. Updated to reflect the latest standard. Suitable for framing or posting in specimen collection a...
  • Model
  • AP8000


A laminated 16" x 20" poster graphically depicting 10 proposed “Commandments of Phlebotomy” in full-color art. Updated to reflect the latest standard. Suitable for framing or posting in specimen collection and/or processing areas. Posting these proposed “commandments” reinforces blood sample collection and handling practices that every healthcare professional should obey.

Commandments include:
Thou Shalt Protect Thyself From Injury
Thou Shalt Identify Thy Patients
Thou Shalt Puncture the Skin at a Low Angle
Thou Shalt Not Pierce Nerves
Thou Shalt Mix All Tubes Properly and Immediately
Thou Shalt Draw Only From Acceptable Sites
Thou Shalt Label Specimens in the Presence of the Patient
Thou Shalt Expect All Patients to Faint
Thou Shalt Observe for Hematoma
Thou Shalt Treat All Patients as if They Were Family